I suggest using tikzmark
. The command is \tikzmarknode{<label>}{<content>}
. You can use several of these in your equation with different labels. Then use the options remember picture, overlay
in a tikzpicture
and use TikZ commands to draw the various annotations.
The code uses a variety of libraries other than tikzmark
: shapes.geometric
is used for the ellipse, shapes.arrows
is used for the "result" arrow, fit
is used to contain the contents of the red ellipse, blue rectangle and yellow circle, bending
is used to improve the arrowhead of the blue arrow.
Remember, when using tikzmark
you must compile twice after any changes to the node positions.
\usetikzlibrary{tikzmark, shapes.geometric, shapes.arrows, fit, bending}
\frac{\tikzmarknode{b1}{(3\times 4)}+\tikzmarknode{b2}{(2\times 6)}}{\tikzmarknode{b3}{2\times 3}}=\tikzmarknode{c1}{\frac{12+12}{6}}=\tikzmarknode{c2}{\frac{24}{6}}=\tikzmarknode{d1}{4}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay, font=\sffamily]
\draw[red, thick, ->, shorten <=1em, , shorten >=1em](a2.south east)--node[below, pos=.45, scale=.4]{1}(a1.north west);
\node[draw=red, thick, ellipse, fit=(b1), inner ysep=0, inner xsep=-1mm](ell){};
\draw[thick, red] (ell)--++(0,.5)node[above, red, scale=.4]{This is important!};
\draw[red, thick] (b2.south west)--node[above=2mm, red, scale=.5]{\bfseries WRONG!}(b2.north east);
\draw[green!70!black, thick] (b3.east)--node[below]{$\uparrow$}node[below=5mm, align=left, green!70!black, scale=.5]{This multiplication is not\\necessary Try to simplify.}(b3.west) ([yshift=2pt]b3.east)--([yshift=2pt]b3.west);
\node[draw=blue, thick, fit=(c1), inner xsep=1pt](box){};
\draw[blue, thick, ->, shorten >=3pt] (box) to[out=90, in=90] (c2.north);
\node[draw=yellow!70!orange, thick, circle, fit=(d1), inner sep=1pt](cir){};
\node[draw=yellow!70!orange, thick, text=yellow!70!orange, single arrow, shape border rotate=180, anchor=west, scale=.4, single arrow tip angle=40, minimum height=30mm] at (cir.east){\quad RESULT};
package.tikzmark cancel
should give you some ideas on how to get started. Basic idea is to use\tikzmark
(which is available in the{tikzmark}
package) to make specific point in the text, then after the text is written (include the any necessary space for the drawing), tooverlay
the drawing. I suggest you start with one of the examples and see how far you get on one of those specific drawing issues. If you get stuck and have a specific question about a specific issue, please post a question.