I am drawing a stemma codicum in LaTeX using the package forest. The code works perfectly, but I would need a specific font i.e. Garamond Premier Pro. Is it possible to use it and how? Thanks

    empty nodes/.style={
    for tree={calign=fixed edge angles}, 
    delay={where content={}{shape=coordinate,
[$\Omega$, empty nodes
    [G, l=5]
            [F, tier=1]
                [P, tier=1]
                        [D, tier=1]
                            [R, tier=1]
                                [M, tier=1
            [S, tier=1]
            [L, tier=1]
  • 3
    If you own the font, you can use it with either lualatex or xelatex by using the fontspec package.
    – Alan Munn
    Commented Jan 10, 2023 at 13:40
  • 1
    And I don't think the font has math support, so you should use a regular text omega instead of $\Omega$.
    – Alan Munn
    Commented Jan 10, 2023 at 13:46


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