I want to style a timeline in LaTeX so it looks vaguely like this but vertical (partial screenshot of a A4 landscape):
Some of the items have little thumbnails. Above the years are some events of one category and below the years are events of another category. I've seen some timeline example in another question, but none looks remotely like this.
Currently I use the timeline package, but it has a completely different look.
\entry{1988}{Hada/Hiller (Ohi Ho Bang Bang): \textit{The Two}}
\plainentry{1988}{Blume: \textit{Kniespiel I}}
\plainentry{1988}{Godley \& Creme: \textit{Mondo Video I-III}}
\entry{1989}{Arnold: \textit{Pièce Touchée}}
\entry{1991}{Steina: \textit{Violin Power} (\gls{LaserDisc} version)}
\plainentry{1991}{Granular Synthesis: \textit{Pyrania}}