A Short description of the problem

In a document whose main language is Hebrew, I'd like subequations to be numbered using the Hebrew, rather than the English, alphabet, and using right-to-left directionality, as in the following screenshot:

Hebrew subequations

This screenshot was obtained from the one in the next section, by cutting-and-pasting the numberings from the PDF resulting from the following code:


A demonstration of the problem by way of a minimal working example

I saved the following LaTeX code in the file ~/Test.tex.



The code uses the babel package to configure the document's main language as Hebrew, and secondary language as English, and then, in the document's body, creates two sets of subequations: one that wraps about an align environment, and one that wraps about an alignat environment.

I then executed the following commands in the Terminal.

> cd ~
> lualatex Test

This resulted in the creation of the file ~/Test.pdf, which, when opened in a PDF viewer, displayed as follows. (I screenshot only the relevant part of the display.)


As can be seen, the numberings use the English alphabet, and are directed from left-to-right in the sense that the numeric part of the numbering is to the left of the alphabetic part.


How can I get subequation numbering to use the Hebrew alphabet? Moreover, the directionality of the numbering should be right-to-left, so as to print the alphabetic part of the numbering to the left of the numeric part of the numbering, as shown in the first screenshot of this post.


I use the babel+LuaLaTex combo to typeset Hebrew documents. A solution that requires a different combo, e.g. polyglossia+XeLaTeX won't be considered a suitable solution.

1 Answer 1


You need to modify the code for subequations in amsmath. Here, I’ve created a new environment, called heSubequations, but you could redefine subequations instead.

\usepackage{amsmath} % Also loaded by unicode-math.

\defaultfontfeatures{ Renderer = HarfBuzz, Ligatures=TeX }
\babelfont{rm}[Ligatures=Common]{Libertinus Serif} % Or your fonts of choice.
\babelfont{sf}[Ligatures=Common]{Libertinus Sans}
\babelfont{tt}{Libertinus Mono}
\setmathfont{Libertinus Math}

% Based on the code for subequations in amsmath.



Libertinus sample

This code works in both XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX, and should not break if you change the main language. You might want to change the bidi= option to basic in LuaTeX or bidi-r in XeLaTeX.

A simpler solution that might work for you in some cases is to set \alph to use Hebrew letters wherever Hebrew is the main language:

\babelprovide[import, main, alph=letters]{hebrew}

giving you the simpler code:

\usepackage{amsmath} % Also loaded by unicode-math.

\babelprovide[import, main, alph=letters]{hebrew}

\defaultfontfeatures{ Renderer = HarfBuzz, Ligatures=TeX }
\babelfont{rm}[Ligatures=Common]{Libertinus Serif} % Or your fonts of choice.
\babelfont{sf}[Ligatures=Common]{Libertinus Sans}
\babelfont{tt}{Libertinus Mono}
\setmathfont{Libertinus Math}



This works for me when I use bidi=basic in LuaLaTeX, but breaks in XeLaTeX or with bidi=default.

  • This might be a good fit with the tag forms in mathtools, but is not a feature of that package.
    – Davislor
    Commented Jan 22, 2023 at 9:30
  • Thank you. This is great. However, it doesn't interact quite well with cleveref. Should I open a new question for this issue, or would you like me to describe it here in the comments, or perhaps in an edit to my original post above?
    – Evan Aad
    Commented Jan 22, 2023 at 11:27
  • Never mind. Your second solution, with the alph=letters, works well with cleveref, so I'm satisfied.
    – Evan Aad
    Commented Jan 22, 2023 at 13:25

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