I have a custom underlining command \cleverul{text}
proposed by @Jinwen here.
I would like to be able to pass the command inside a redefinition of the \@makechapterhead
macro, as a formatting value whose function is to beautifully underline the output of {\@chapapp{} \thechapter}
(could also be used for the name of the chapter, i.e. ##1
The solution that comes to my mind is to create a variant involving a \small
-style syntax.
Question is, is there a simple way to convert my underlining command \cleverul{text}
into a {\coolclevul text}
Or, do you see a way to pass the \cleverul
command with its current syntax?
% Cool underlining. \cleverul
\setlength{\ULdepth}{\cleverul@temp pt}%
\renewcommand{\ULthickness}{\cleverul@temp pt}%
% Formatting Chapter-word and Chapter title
{\parindent \z@ \raggedright \reset@font
\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
{#1 \@chapapp{} \thechapter}% => Want to be able to pass my \cleverul command in formatting {\@chapapp{} \thechapter}.
\vskip 20\p@
{\Huge\bfseries ##1} % Title formatting.
\vskip 180\p@}}
\chapterformat{\fontsize{60}{90}\selectfont\bfseries} % => Want to be able to pass my \cleverul command.
\chapter{Cool Underlining}
\Huge\bfseries\cleverul{I love \LaTeX.}
Question Solved
I end up using two different keys, chapterformat
and titleformat
for standard formatting commands, chapterstyle
and titlestyle
for commands that involve delimiters around their argument.
Using @Skillmon's expkv-cs
package as shown here, creating my own key=value
-style custom command was kid stuff. This variant also includes vertical spacing.
\documentclass{report} % The report style has Chapters.
\usepackage{fontspec} % Allows me to switch to a "bold small caps"-compliant font.
\usepackage{etoolbox} % Provides \ifdef LaTeX wrapper.
\usepackage{contour} % Required for the \cleverul command.
\usepackage{fp} % Required for the \cleverul command.
\usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % Required for the \cleverul command.
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
% Cool underlining. \cleverul
\FPmul\cleverul@temp{\f@size}{0.12}% The higher, the farther from the text. (font size multiplied by x)
\setlength{\ULdepth}{\cleverul@temp pt}%
\FPdiv\cleverul@temp{\f@size}{16}% The higher, the thinner. (font size divided by x)
\renewcommand{\ULthickness}{\cleverul@temp pt}%
\vspace*{#5\p@}% Vertical Space before "ChapterX" (50)
{\parindent \z@ \raggedright \reset@font
\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
\vskip #6\p@ % Vertical Space after "Chapter X" (20)
\vskip #7\p@}} % Vertical Space after Title (180)
\ekvcSplitAndForward\coolchap\chapterformat % Defining \coolchap as a split version of \chapterformat, using explkv package.
chapstyle = \relax,
titlestyle = \relax,
chapformat = \Huge\bfseries,
titleformat = \Large,
befchap = 50,
afchap = 20,
aftitle = 180
\chapter{Cool Underlining}
\Huge\bfseries\cleverul{I love \LaTeX.}