Whenever you are looking to do something easier, go to CTAN and search: in this case, for "graph". You'll get lots of results. I'm using tkz-graph
and tkz-berge
packages. Next, the more you know about the graph, the easier it is. The first graph is a path on 2 vertices, the second is a cycle on 4 vertices, and the third is the Grotzsch
graph. Knowing the name will let you take shortcuts which can save you lots of time in creating the graph. The Altermundus site, which is behind tkz-berge
and several other useful packages, has created a gallery of named graphs which is a PDF that you can download specifying graphs that have are already built in. The first of 3 forms of the Grotzsch graph is on page 51 and it is closest to your graph. The problem is, the creation uses a different set of vertex labels than you are using. To get around this, I'm using the information in the answer to the question Label only selected vertices with tkz-berge to modify that graph to make it more like yours with the code below:
\begin{tikzpicture}[every label/.append style={font=\Large}]
The result, running in Gummi is below:
Note that the command \Vertex[Node,Lpos=45,L=$u_4$]{a0}
is using the label $u_4$ for the node which was a0. The position of the label Lpos=0 degrees if you want the label to the right of the vertex, and Lpos=45 rotates it counterclockwise 45 degrees so you can put the label where you'd like it. The documentation explains how you can change the style of the labels as well as vertices (for example making the vertices smaller) and edges.
If there is no name to your graph then you have to specify the coordinates and labels such as was done in my answer here. Note that this answers shows you can combine it with the open source CAS, called Sage. It has a lot of graphs that it knows on this page. See my answer to the closed question here on an easy way to generate the Hoffman Singleton graph.