The simplest way to produce Gödel codes is with $\ulcorner$
and $\urcorner$
, and we may write $\ulcorner p\urcorner$
to enclose the formula $p$
within codes.
Buss programmed a macro which gives a better appearance than Gödel codes in many contextst.
The macro Godeln{}, which egreg recently suggested, as an aside in an answer to a recent question (Dotted x in mathmode), is an improvement of Buss's improvements of \(\ulcorner \urcorner\)
My question is: May the corners of the egreg codes be rounded, e.g. with TikZ, to obtain codes which are discernibly different?
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
$\ulcorner 2^2\urcorner$ vs. $\Godeln{2^2}$
output. You cannot transform the path of a glyph, but you can use another glyph or you can create your own "rounded corner" glyphs using TikZ if this is what you want.