I am a new user (both to LaTeX & this forum).
I want to create a Comparison Table for an Article (like the one shown here):
Can someone please help me with this.
I swear somebody said TikZ!
\clip node (m) [matrix,matrix of nodes,
fill=black!20,inner sep=0pt,
nodes in empty cells,
nodes={minimum height=1cm,minimum width=2.6cm,anchor=center,outer sep=0,font=\sffamily},
row 1/.style={nodes={fill=black,text=white}},
column 1/.style={nodes={fill=gray,text=white,align=right,text width=2.5cm,text depth=0.5ex}},
column 2/.style={text width=4cm,align=center,every even row/.style={nodes={fill=white}}},
column 3/.style={text width=3cm,align=center,every even row/.style={nodes={fill=white}},},
row 1 column 1/.style={nodes={fill=gray}},
prefix after command={[rounded corners=4mm] (m.north east) rectangle (m.south west)}
] {
& Enterprise SAN & ioDrive \\
Form Factor & Rack Applicance (40U $\times$ 20") & Low Profile PCIe \\
Interface & FC-4 & PCIe x4 \\
Drive Units & 150$\times$15 RPM disks & 2$\times$80gig\\
Data Protection & Mirroring & Mirroring\\
Power & 33.372 kWh/yr & 114 kWh/yr\\
SPC-1 I0PS & 24.998 & 86.127\\
every even row
can be put in a column specification. I see that we get around the non-uniformity of the first column by setting the row styles in the remaining columns; it's a good thing that there aren't many columns.
Aug 19, 2012 at 11:20
includes a tabularx
option which can be used to obtain rounded corners framed tabulars.
\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced, notitle, clip upper, fontupper=\sffamily,%
&\cellcolor{black!80}\color{white}Enterprise SAN &\cellcolor{black!80}\color{white}ioDrive \\
Form Factor & Rack Applicance (40U $\times$ 20") & Low Profile PCIe \\
Interface & FC-4 & PCIe x4 \\
Drive Units & 150$\times$15 RPM disks & 2$\times$80gig\\
Data Protection & Mirroring & Mirroring\\
Power & 33.372 kWh/yr & 114 kWh/yr\\
SPC-1 I0PS & 24.998 & 86.127
If you can live without the rounded corners, you can do something like this.
\taburowcolors[2]{white .. black!20}
\rowcolor{black!80}\strut & \color{white}Enterprise SAN & \color{white}ioDrive \\
Form Factor & Rack Applicance (40U $\times$ 20") & Low Profile PCIe \\
Interface & FC-4 & PCIe x4 \\
Drive Units & 150$\times$15 RPM disks & 2$\times$80gig\\
Rounded corners will probably need some TikZ magic, I'll see if I can come up with something.
With {NiceTabular}
of nicematrix
(you need several compilations).
& Enterprise SAN & ioDrive \\
Form Factor & Rack Applicance (40U $\times$ 20") & Low Profile PCIe \\
Interface & FC-4 & PCIe x4 \\
Drive Units & 150$\times$15 RPM disks & 2$\times$80gig\\
Data Protection & Mirroring & Mirroring\\
Power & 33.372 kWh/yr & 114 kWh/yr\\
SPC-1 I0PS & 24.998 & 86.127
\tikz \draw [rounded corners,thick] (1-|1) rectangle (last-|last) ;
. Examples for tikz / pgfplosttable can be found here: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/28087/…