I'm using the enumitem
package with a setlist
to customize definition lists, and it's working great, except that no matter what value I give to itemsep
the vertical space between items remains unaffected. Similarly, parsep
does not work. The other options in my setlist
work as expected (leftmargin=15pt, labelwidth=\widthof{\bfseries99}, font=\normalfont
). I'm writing in markdown and using YAML metadata and Pandoc to generate a PDF. Here is my metadata, followed by the Pandoc command I've been using:
title: |
| The Title of This Document Is Itself the Title
author: Me Myself
documentclass: apa7
- doc
- donotrepeattitle
- 12pt
- \affiliation{Lorem Ipsum Institute}
- \shorttitle{shortish title}
- \raggedright
- \righthyphenmin=62
- \lefthyphenmin=62
- \usepackage{hanging}
- \usepackage{setspace}
- \setstretch{1.25}
- \usepackage{enumitem}
- \setlist[description]{itemsep=1in, leftmargin=15pt, labelwidth=\widthof{\bfseries99}, font=\normalfont}
- \newfontfamily\GreekToMe[Scale=MatchLowercase]{EB Garamond}
- \renewcommand{\abstractname}{ }
- \abstract{\singlespacing\small{Lorem ipsum…}}
Here’s some text. I’m writing entirely in markdown. I am using a definition list as a way to align a bit of dialogue, like so:
: Person A speaks to Person B, and drones on and on and on, just to illustrate why I’m using definition lists. When I used the package hanging, I lost my markdown formatting in the dialogue; e.g. the word “space” in the next line appeared in the PDF as \*space\* instead of *space*. Using the definition list, I get my hanging indent and keep my markdown formatting.
: Person B says, Can I please have some *space*, man?
: Person A says, No can do—even though `itemsep=1in`!
Pandoc command:
$ pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex input.md -o output.pdf
And here is the resulting PDF:
I'm new to using LaTeX and Pandoc and YAML, and I won't be surprised if I'm missing something obvious. But it does seem weird that most options in the setlist
are working and the vertical space ones are not.
\begin{description} \item[ ] ... \end{description}
or Markdown?