My downloaded citation looks like this:
journal={IEEE Std. 1516-2000}, title={IEEE Standard for Modeling and Simulation (M Amp;S) High Level Architecture (HLA) - Framework and Rules},
month={ },
pages={i -22},
keywords={Keywords: architecture, class attribute, federate, federation, federation execution, federation object model, framework, high level architecture, instance attribute, interaction class, joined federate, object class, object model template, rules, runtime infrastructure, simulation object model;},
After typesetting, it looks like this:
[1] Ieee standard for modeling and simulation (m amp;s) high level archi- tecture (hla) - framework and rules. IEEE Std. 1516-2000, pages i --22, 2000.
But I was wondering whether it should look like this:
[2] IEEE Std 1516-2000. IEEE Standard for Modeling and Simulation (M&S) High Level Architecture (HLA) - Framework and Rules. Technical report, IEEE.
The later one was found while I was reading someone else's bibliography, and I think it just looks better than mine (for example it has M&S instead of m amp;s). However I wasn't sure about this.
So which one is better, [1] or [2]? Is there a rule?