seems like an easy problem, but I'm really a newbie to LaTeX and cannot come up with solution even with some QAs on this forum I found. Can you please help? As the picture shows, the table is wider than the text column and collides with the other column. I understand the text in the table is too long, but is there a simple way to force the table to be same width as the text and wrap the text into two lines in the same table row without using different packages?
Parameter & Value & Units & Description\\
\toprule \midrule
E & 200 & GPa & Young's modulus\\
$f_{c}$ & 30 & MPa & Ultimate compressive strength\\
$\varepsilon_{t0}$ & 805 $\cdot 10^{-4}$ & - & Initial threshold of damage for $\varepsilon_t$\\
environment. Can you provide some feedback on what happens?