How can I do math directly in LaTeX? I don't want to calculate it first and input the value to it.
You can use \fpeval
\RequirePackage{fix-cm} % or define a scalable font in the preamble
\node (A) at (0,0) {};
\node (B) at (1,0) {};
\draw (A) node[above, font=\fontsize{\fpeval{10/0.88348}}{0}\selectfont] {$V_X$};
\draw (B) node[above, font=\fontsize{\fpeval{10*1.35}}{0}\selectfont] {$V_X$};
\draw (A) node[above, font=\fontsize{10/0.88348}{12}\selectfont] {$V_X$}
. I want to do this to account for scale factor in the article.