I am using this custom beamer style
but it needs a tiny modification to work robustly. It is fine when we have no subtitle for frame
\begin{frame}{Introduction}%{My Title}
some text about Latex
but in subtitle mode, the subtitle box becomes baseline for defined circle then it jumps a little downward.
\begin{frame}{Introduction}{My Title}
some text about Latex
for this I want to set subtitle box visible even if it is empty. Another solution is to not use subtitle.
\definecolor{devryblue}{RGB}{5, 51, 92}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\fill[devryblue] (10.8,0.6) circle (.9cm);
\clip (10.8,0.6) circle (.75cm);
\node at (10.8,0.6) {\includegraphics[width=2.1cm]{example-image}};
\begin{frame}{Introduction}{My Title}{My sub-Title}
-- a frame can have a title and a subtitle, but no subsubtitle.\frametitle{...}
macros are much more powerful and robust.