I'm trying to write an algorithm, but since it doesn't fit in one page, I'm trying to put it in two columns.
The code I'm trying to write it this
\caption{Point addition in projective coordinates}
\Require $P = (X_1 \colon Y_1 \colon Z_1), Q = (X_2 \colon Y_2 \colon Z_2), E\colon Y^2Z = X^3 -3XZ^2 + bZ^3$
\Ensure $P + Q = (X_3 \colon Y_3 \colon Z_3)$
\State $t_0 \gets X_1 \cdot X_2$
\State $t_1 \gets Y_1 \cdot Y_2$
\State $t_2 \gets Z_1 \cdot Z_2$
\State $t_3 \gets X_1 + Y_1$
\State $t_4 \gets X_2 + Y_2$
\State $t_3 \gets t_3 \cdot t_4$
\State $t_4 \gets t_0 + t_1$
\State $t_3 \gets t_3 - t_4$
\State $t_4 \gets Y_1 + Z_1$
\State $X3 \gets Y_2 + Z_2$
\State $t4 \gets t_4 \cdot X_3$
\State $X3 \gets t_1 + t_2$
\State $t4 \gets t_4 - X_3$
\State $X3 \gets X_1 + Z_1$
\State $Y3 \gets X_2 + Z_2$
\State $X_3 \gets X_3 \cdot Y_3$
\State $Y_3 \gets t_0 + t_2$
\State $Y_3 \gets X_3 - Y_3$
\State $Z_3 \gets b \cdot t_2$
\State $X_3 \gets Y_3 - Z_3$
\State $Z_3 \gets X_3 + X_3$
\State $X_3 \gets X_3 + Z_3$
\State $Z_3 \gets t_1 - X_3$
\State $X_3 \gets t_1 + X_3$
\State $Y_3 \gets b \cdot Y_3$
\State $t_1 \gets t_2 + t_2$
\State $t_2 \gets t_1 + t_2$
\State $Y_3 \gets Y_3 - t_2$
\State $Y_3 \gets Y_3 - t_0$
\State $t_1 \gets Y_3 + Y_3$
\State $Y_3 \gets t_1 + Y_3$
\State $t_1 \gets t_0 + t_0$
\State $t_0 \gets t_1 + t_0$
\State $t_0 \gets t_0 - t_2$
\State $t_1 \gets t_4 \cdot Y_3$
\State $t_2 \gets t_0 \cdot Y_3$
\State $Y_3 \gets X_3 \cdot Z_3$
\State $Y_3 \gets Y_3 + t_2$
\State $X_3 \gets t_3 \cdot X_3$
\State $X_3 \gets X_3 - t_1$
\State $Z_3 \gets t_4 \cdot Z_3$
\State $t_1 \gets t_3 \cdot t_0$
\State $Z_3 \gets Z_3 + t_1$
But I get an error when I try this. If i start the multicols before the \Require, it works but I dont want to do that. I have already imported algpseudocode and algorithm. Does anyone know how I can get this to work?