Is there a way to type in a delta shape with an angular tail as opposed to the standard curvy tail of the \delta command?

What I am after is what shows up on the first line of the wiki article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_(letter), where they distinguish between upper case \Delta, lower case 'angular-tailed delta' (what I am after) and lower case 'curvy-tailed delta' (what you get with the \delta command).

  • 7
    Hi and welcome to the site. Can you show one example of how such a symbol is supposed to look?
    – mickep
    Commented Mar 12, 2023 at 15:02
  • Are you maybe thinking of the symbol produced by \partial?
    – Mico
    Commented Mar 12, 2023 at 15:09
  • Thanks. I have added the look I am searching in the question. I could use \partial as an alternative. However, in the text I am typing, I am already using \delta for a dimension parameter, \partial for actual derivation and searching for another sort of delta for the Dirac... I I copy-paste the wiki article, one that directly uses the unicode-ascii angular delta, I get the same typeset output as with the \delta command. Commented Mar 12, 2023 at 16:56
  • Oh, so you mean \Delta...
    – Mico
    Commented Mar 12, 2023 at 18:26
  • 3
    I think, the character you are looking for is actually a typographic variation used in some sans-serif fonts. It is actually the very same character as \delta. It is just the font that renders it differently (namely with a sharp edge instead of a rounded tail, for example IBM Plex Sans). Commented Mar 12, 2023 at 18:28

3 Answers 3


Here is an example of getting different types of delta using txfonts, upgreek and textgreek packages.



Regular delta: $\delta$.

Regular Bold and upright delta $\boldsymbol{\deltaup}$. %requires txfonts package

Using updelta: $\updelta$. %requires upgreek package

Using updelta bold: $\boldsymbol{\updelta}$. %requires upgreek package

Text greek delta in text \textdelta. %requires textgreek package

Text greek delta in text {\bf \textdelta}. %requires textgreek package

This is what I get.

enter image description here

You can also find more options by looking at different fonts.These lists from other questions might be helpful.

A Whole List of Math Fonts for Greek Letters in LaTeX?

Automatic upright math when text is in italic

Then you might be able to use the approach used in this answer:

Change font of single greek letter in math environment for all equations (classicthesis.sty)

  • Many thanks. Since I am quite rubbish at pure LaTeX, I work within the LyX environment. I am trying to add somethings in the preamble, but it is ignored... Commented Mar 14, 2023 at 9:16

The symbol I think you are looking for is just a \delta. But in some fonts, particularly some sans-serif fonts, the character has the flat top.

For example, iwona:

enter image description here






enter image description here


The unicode-math package makes both \delta and \partial available in many different alphabets:

In Latin Modern math:


\[ \symit{\delta} \, \symup{\delta} \, \symbfit{\delta} \, \symbfup{\delta} \, \symbfsfit{\delta} \, \symbfsfup{\delta} \]
\[ \symit{\partial} \, \symup{\partial} \, \symbfit{\partial} \, \symbfup{\partial} \, \symbfsfit{\partial} \, \symbfsfup{\partial}

Latin Modern Math sample

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