I Want to recreate the nested Listing captions like in the image below, I tried doing this:




\section{Example Python programs}

Here are two example Python programs that print "Hello, World!":

    \begin{lstlisting}[language=Python,caption={[First program] Python program to print "Hello, World!"},label={lst:hello1}]
      print("Hello, World!")
    \begin{lstlisting}[language=Python,caption={[Second program] Python program to print "Hello, World!"},label={lst:hello2}]
      print("Hello, World!")
  \caption{Example Python programs.}

We can reference the first program using Listing \ref{lst:hello1}, and the second program using Listing \ref{lst:hello2}.


However, this creates two listing side by side. Any help is appreciated.

enter image description here

  • 1
    Your image looks pretty much like lstlistings without any figure or subfigure environment, and with \counterwithin{lstlisting}{section} at the beginning of your document, see i.sstatic.net/TfXqf.png Commented Mar 14, 2023 at 19:38
  • If you really want to have listings and sublistings, that can be done. One would have to create a new float type (not lstlisting) and a new subcaption to match. Commented Mar 14, 2023 at 19:50

1 Answer 1


This uses the lstlisting custom caption.



\AtBeginDocument{\counterwithin{lstlisting}{listing}}% not defined earlier



\section{Example Python programs}

Here are two example Python programs that print "Hello, World!":

  \caption{Example Python programs.}% must be above
    \begin{lstlisting}[language=Python,caption={[First program] Python program to print "Hello, World!"},label={lst:hello1}]
      print("Hello, World!")
    \begin{lstlisting}[language=Python,caption={[Second program] Python program to print "Hello, World!"},label={lst:hello2}]
      print("Hello, World!")

We can reference the first program using Listing \ref{lst:hello1}, and the second program using Listing \ref{lst:hello2}.


This uses \subcaption. Note that the lstlisting counter is not incremented.







\section{Example Python programs}

Here are two example Python programs that print ``Hello, World!'':

  \caption{Example Python programs.}% must to above
    \subcaption[First program]{Python program to print ``Hello, World!''}\label{lst:hello1}
      print("Hello, World!")
    \subcaption[Second program]{Python program to print "Hello, World!"}\label{lst:hello2}
      print("Hello, World!")

We can reference the first program using Listing \ref{lst:hello1}, and the second program using Listing \ref{lst:hello2}.


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