I use pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.24 (TeX Live 2022) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
I put \label
on sections, figures, etc.
I include \usepackage[colorlinks=true,urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}
I had been using texlive 2016. Until I installed texlive 2022, \ref{xyz} produced only the number for xyz.
Now it includes the number, the title (section name, figure caption, ...) what it is (section, figure, ...) and then the number again.
For example, with an equation having \label{Flow}, when I wrote "Equation (\ref{Flow})" I used to get "Equation (2)". Now I get "Equation (2Flowequation.3.2)"
This occurs both using \documentclass{article} and a proprietary class for a professional journal. I haven't tried others.
I've "compiled" in a fresh directory, so it's not due to confusion caused by an old .aux file.
Without including hyperref, I get only the number -- but of course no hyperlink.
Is there a repair for this?
In response to Carlisle's request for an example.
as shown by Equation (\ref{Drag}) in section \ref{Flow}.
Equating the drag force on a particle to the force of gravity determines
the velocity at which particles are suspended in equilibrium with upward
fluid flow:
F_d = \frac12\, C_d\, \rho_s\, U_t^2\, \pi\, \frac{d_f^2}4
= F_g = \frac{4\pi}3\, \frac{d_f^3}8\, \rho_f \, g
does not normally do that so it is due to code you have not shown, please show a small complete document that shows the problemcolorlinks' set
true' on input line 4060. File: hpdftex.def 2023-02-07 v7.00v Hyperref driver for pdfTeXnameref.sty
in the local tree: it is automatically loaded byhyperref
and it needs to be the version shipped with the currenthyperref