How would I make a theorem using thm tools that accepts a custom name?

Something that would work like:

\begin{namedtheorem}[Basic AM-GM Inequality}
For posiive real numbers $a,b$
$$\frac{a+b}{2}\geq \sqrt{ab}$$

That would produce something like: image

1 Answer 1


You can use the headformat key for that, but you will need to load amsthm as well.



    [headformat={\NOTE}, % only note as label
    notebraces={}{}, % removing braces from note
    notefont=\bfseries, % making the note bold
    preheadhook=\def\thmt@space{}, % removing space before the note

\begin{namedtheorem}[Basic AM-GM Inequality]
For posiive real numbers $a,b$
    \frac{a+b}{2}\geq \sqrt{ab}


Another option is to use a wrapper around the theorem environment that feed him the title



% I'm using three \noexpands's so that \namedtheoremtitle will not expand during 
% the time of definition of \namedtheorem, but will expand when written to the lot file



\begin{namedtheorem}[Basic AM-GM Inequality]
For posiive real numbers $a,b$
    \frac{a+b}{2}\geq \sqrt{ab}


Both produce

enter image description here

But with the second approach you get a nicer entry format in the \listoftheorems, with the former option you might want to redefine \ll@namedtheorem

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