I want to make some adjustments in . Two issues:

  1. How to increase the size of connecting arrows.
  2. How to properly adjust the node text in centered circle.

enter image description here



\smartdiagramset{set color list = {orange!60, green!50!lime!60, magenta!60, blue!50!cyan},
uniform connection color = false,
    /tikz/connection planet satellite/.append style={<-},
    /tikz/satellite/.append style={rectangle, rounded corners=5mm, text width=20mm},

\smartdiagram[constellation diagram]{
Criteria for Selecting Conditionalities, Relevance, Feasibility, Measurable, Non-\\discrimatory, Affordable, Acceptable


1 Answer 1


You can increase the distance between the center node and the surrounding nodes using the option distance planet-satellite which will make the arrows longer. As for the misalignment (which is because the last word is longer than the \linewidth inside the node) you can decrease the inner sep of the center node and/or increase its width:



    set color list={orange!60, green!50!lime!60, magenta!60, blue!50!cyan},
    distance planet-satellite=5cm,
    /tikz/connection planet satellite/.append style={<-},
    /tikz/planet/.append style={text width=3cm, inner sep=5pt},
    /tikz/satellite/.append style={rectangle, rounded corners=5mm, text width=20mm},

\smartdiagram[constellation diagram]{
    Criteria for Selecting Conditionalities, 
    Relevance, Feasibility, Measurable, Non-\\discrimatory, Affordable, Acceptable


enter image description here

  • 1
    (+1): Thanks @JaperHabicht for very useful answer.
    – MYaseen208
    Commented Apr 4, 2023 at 7:38
  • Note: Due to some erratic definition in the package, explicitly stating uniform connection color=false will result in an error, but it is set to false by default anyways. Commented Apr 4, 2023 at 7:46
  • @JaperHabicht: I do have a similar question here.
    – MYaseen208
    Commented Apr 4, 2023 at 7:51

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