I am pretty new on TikZ and I want to create a diagram for my measure class. I created the following picture:
%Mis espacios
\node (A) at (0,3) {$(\Omega, \mathscr{F},\mu)$};
\node (B) at (3,3) {$(\Omega',\mathscr{F}')$};
\node (C) at (3,0) {$(\mathbb{R}^1,\mathscr{R}^{1})$};
%Los mapas
\draw [thick,->] (A) to node[midway,above] {$T$} (B);
\draw [thick,->] (B) to node[midway,right] {$f$} (C);
\draw [dashed,thick,->] (A) to node[midway,above left, yshift=-13 pt] {$T \circ f$} (C);
However I am having problems with the executions of the code since the label of compositions appears over the arrow and the arrow tips do not appear.
The following code includes all the packages I have originally in case some package is not compatible with my picture.
%Evita problemas con tildes y caracteres especiales
%Secciones con formato
%Formato del Documento
%Formato de entornos de enunciados matemáticos
%amsmath + más simbolos utiles
%Cosas en Español
%Letras de conjuntos notables
%Más simbolos matemáticos útiles
%Inclusión de imágenes
%Comentarios largos
%Citas y Referencias
%Editando las etiquetas de las numeraciones
%tablas acomodadas
%Rotar en Tabla
%Encabezado y pie de página
%Letras caligraficamente perfectas
%Graficas poderosa
Also, I would like to include the error that appears on my original document:
Argument of \language@active@arg> has an extra }.
Runaway argument?
Missing \endcsname inserted.
TikZ library in your complete document. Add in your preamble\usetikzlibrary{babel}
to fix some issues that appear when using TikZ and babel at the same time.