I'm currently working on a book and I need to add Arabic words in the document within an English sentence. Example: "The word (arabic word) is the definition of....". I tried using LR{}
and {\afont "arabicword"}
but none of them work.
\usepackage[sc,compact,explicit]{titlesec} % Titlesec for configuring the header
\usepackage{auto-pst-pdf} % Vectorian Ornaments XeTeX auxiliary (from:
\usepackage{psvectorian} % Vectorian Ornaments
\let\clipbox\relax % PSTricks (used by PSVectorian) already defines a \clipbox, so
we need this workaround
\usepackage{adjustbox} % Adjustbox to rescale the ornaments (scalebox breaks
titlesec for some reason...)
\newcommand{\otherfancydraw}{% Defining a command to shorten things
\begin{adjustbox}{max height=0.5\baselineskip}% Rescaling to have height of
\rotatebox[origin=c]{45}{% And rotating 90 degrees
\psvectorian{7}% Ornament n° 26
% A command to create a rule centered vertically on the text (from:
\titleformat% Formatting the header
{\chapter} % command
[block] % shape - Only managed to get it working with block
{\normalfont\bfseries\sc\huge} % format - Change here as needed
{\centering Chapter \thechapter\\} % The Chapter N° label
{0pt} % sep
{\centering \ruleline{\otherfancydraw}\\ % The horizontal rule
\centering #1} % And the actual title
\usepackage{lmodern} % monospace font
\renewcommand{\ttdefault}{lmtt} % MONO Latin Modern Font % T1 encoding of cmtt font
s\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{lmr} % SERIF Latin Modern Font % T1 encoding of cmr font
st\renewcommand{\sfdefault}{lmss} % SANS Latin Modern F
{\noindent \bfseries \Huge \prefacename}
% \phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\prefacename} % enable this if
you want to put the preface in the table of contents
Test \LR{arabic word here} test test
However, this doesn't seem to work, the English word is loaded when I compile but the Arabic word is not there.