I am trying to draw this figure on TIKZ but I am a bit stuck on the first one in the following two points: 1 colors fill the circles with red color 2 instead of circles i want more general "shapes"
This is what I ve done so far with just circles :
% Initial and target points
\coordinate (start) at (0,0);
\coordinate (end) at (10,3);
% Circle 1
\draw (2.5,2) circle (1.2);
%\node at (2.5,2) {$t_1$};
% Circle 2
\draw (7.5,2) circle (1.2);
%\node at (7.5,2) {$t_3$};
% Trajectory
\draw[smooth,thick] plot[smooth] coordinates{(0,0) (1,0.3) (2,1.5) (2.25,1.75) (2.5,2) (2.75,1.75) (3,1.5) (4,0) (5,0) (6,0) (7.5,2) (8.5,2.5) (9,5) (10,3)};
% Time axis
\draw[->] (0,-1) -- (10,-1) node[right] {$t$};
\foreach \t/\label in {0/$0$,2/$t_1$,3/$t_2$,6/$t_3$,7/$t_4$,10/$T$} {
\draw (\t,-0.9) -- (\t,-1.1) node[below] {\label};
\filldraw (0,0) circle (2pt);
\filldraw (10,3) circle (2pt);
% Label for initial and target points
\node[above] at (start) {Initial point};
\node[above] at (end) {Target point};
which generates the following: