I would like to set font sizes of certain nodes in a tikzcd diagram locally. However, simply writing \small or \tiny does not seem to cut it: the text remains the same size as before.

\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=-1ex, column sep=2em]
A \arrow[r, "\varphi"] & B \\
{\tiny 0} & {\tiny 1}

What am I missing here?

(I am aware of the possibility of setting the font size for the entire diagram with \tikzcdset, but alas, that’s not what I want.)

1 Answer 1


Using \scriptscriptstyle or \scriptstyle where the text not remains the same size as before.

\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=-1ex, column sep=2em]
A \arrow[r, "\varphi"] & B \\
{\scriptscriptstyle 0} & {\scriptscriptstyle 1}

enter image description here

\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=-1ex, column sep=2em]
A \arrow[r, "\varphi"] & B \\
{\scriptstyle 0} & {\scriptstyle 1}

enter image description here

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