Any suggestion to improve the column widths using multicolumn, and adding headers (see desired table style )

Here my code, output, and desired Table style

\usepackage[margin=2cm,a4paper]{geometry} % set page parameters suitably
\usepackage{siunitx} % Paquete para insertar unidades
\usepackage{microtype}  % new
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, multirow, tabularx,
           threeparttable, tabulary}


\caption{Variables and measurement\label{appendix}}
\multicolumn{1}{l}{Symbol}&\multicolumn{1}{l}{Variable Description}&\multicolumn{1}{l}{Measure}\\
Leak Volume& Actions outside the utility such as excavation strikes, land movement, and weather &Utility-year \\
Incidents&line strikes or breaks but also from other system failures such as overpressurization. &Utility-year \\
Hazardous Leaks &significant incident occurrences as measures of safety performance &Utility-year \\

SO2_{it}&Total energy related $SO_{2}$ emission &$10^4$ ton \\
NOX_{it}&Total energy related $NO_{X}$ emission &$10^4 $ton \\

P_{it} &GDP per capita = GDP/total population & $10^4$ \$ \\


R_{it}&Population at the end of the year& $10^4$ persons\\


IS_{it}&Urbanization rate = $100\% \times$ Urban population/total population&\% \\


T_{it}&Industrial structure = $100\% \times$ The secondary GDP/total GDP&\%  \\


ES_{it} & Technology level $T_{it}$ = Economic output/energy consumption &$10^4$ \$ /ton \\

URevpc_{it}&Energy structure = Fossil energy/total energy & $10^4$ Chinese Yuan/ton \\

UEngel_{it}& Urban affordable revenue per capita = urban affordable revenue/total population & \% \\

SAVPR_{it}& State avg. gas price $(\$ /1k ft^3)$ & Utility-year \\

Ownership& public, private & Utility-year \\

TSD_{it}& Total state deliveries $(\$ /1k ft^3)$ &State \\

TSR_{it}& Total state receipts $(\$ /1k ft^3)$ &  State\\

MI_{it}& Median income $(\$)$ & Utility-year\\
PRE_{it}&Annual precipitation of a major city in each state  & (mm)\\
RHU_{it}&Annual average relative humidity of a major city in each state  & \% \\

enter image description here

Desidre style :

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


You defined 4 columns but your table has only 3.

\usepackage[margin=2cm,a4paper]{geometry} % set page parameters suitably
\usepackage{siunitx} % Paquete para insertar unidades
\usepackage{microtype}  % new
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, multirow, tabularx,
           threeparttable, tabulary}

\caption{Variables and measurement\label{appendix}}
\multicolumn{1}{@{}l}{Symbol}&\multicolumn{1}{l}{Variable Description}&\multicolumn{1}{l}{Measure}\\
Leak Volume& Actions outside the utility such as excavation strikes, land movement, and weather &Utility-year \\
Incidents&line strikes or breaks but also from other system failures such as overpressurization. &Utility-year \\
Hazardous Leaks &significant incident occurrences as measures of safety performance &Utility-year \\

$\textrm{SO2}_{it}$&Total energy related $SO_{2}$ emission &$10^4$ ton \\
$\textrm{NOX}_{it}$&Total energy related $NO_{X}$ emission &$10^4 $ton \\

$\textrm{P}_{it} $&GDP per capita = GDP/total population & $10^4$ \$ \\


$\textrm{R}_{it}$&Population at the end of the year& $10^4$ persons\\


$\textrm{IS}_{it}$&Urbanization rate = $100\% \times$ Urban population/total population&\% \\


$\textrm{T}_{it}$&Industrial structure = $100\% \times$ The secondary GDP/total GDP&\%  \\


$\textrm{ES}_{it} $& Technology level $T_{it}$ = Economic output/energy consumption &$10^4$ \$ /ton \\

$\textrm{URevpc}_{it}$&Energy structure = Fossil energy/total energy & $10^4$ Chinese Yuan/ton \\

$\textrm{UEngel}_{it}$& Urban affordable revenue per capita = urban affordable revenue/total population & \% \\

$\textrm{SAVPR}_{it}$& State avg. gas price $(\$ /1k ft^3)$ & Utility-year \\

Ownership& public, private & Utility-year \\

$\textrm{TSD}_{it}$& Total state deliveries $(\$ /1k ft^3)$ &State \\

$\textrm{TSR}_{it}$& Total state receipts $(\$ /1k ft^3)$ &  State\\

$\textrm{MI}_{it}$& Median income $(\$)$ & Utility-year\\
$\textrm{PRE}_{it}$&Annual precipitation of a major city in each state  & (mm)\\
$\textrm{RHU}_{it}$&Annual average relative humidity of a major city in each state  & \% \\

enter image description here

  • thanks a lot for your time and consideration ;)
    Commented May 20, 2023 at 14:16
  • @HAITHEM Thank you for accepting my answer
    – CarLaTeX
    Commented May 20, 2023 at 15:18

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