I'm trying to create a papercraft cube, and can't seem to get an image in one of the faces. I have tried this
\usetikzlibrary {folding}
\pic [
folding line length=6mm,
transform shape,
face 1= { \node{ Pax }; },
face 2= { \node{ Tibi }; },
face 3= { \node{\tiny Marce}; },
face 4= { \node{\tiny Evangelista}; },
face 5= { \node{\tiny Meus}; }
face 6= { \node[path picture={\node at (path picture bounding box.center){ \includegraphics{dogos.jpg}} }] }
{ cube folding };
I have tried this too, with the two versions; it does not work either.
It simply creates an empty face (it also creates two pages, I don't really know why). I have also tried simply including \includegraphics
into the face, but that does not work either. The only difference with the two examples seems to be that it's rotated and the scale, but I don't think that is the thing. The image is in .png and .jpg format, too.
face 6= {\node{\includegraphics{dogos.jpg}};}
? By the way, you're missing the;
, the{}
from the outer node` and a,
between face 5 and face 6. The extra page comes from the picture being to big.