To write my Ph.D. thesis. I have utilized the figure environment to create an environment called a "plate". However, when I use the \listoffigures command, it includes both figures and plates in the list. Unfortunately, when I use the \listofplates command, it generates an error. Therefore, I require assistance in creating a command that separates plates from \listoffigures and generates a separate list of plates. I am using Overleaf, so the solution should be compatible with Overleaf.






        \caption{Plate 1}

        \includegraphics[scale = 0.4]{LOAMR1B.png}
        \caption{Figure 1}



1 Answer 1


I would use instead the package newfloat like so:

enter image description here

enter image description here



   listname={List of Plates},


    \caption{Plate 1}

    \includegraphics[scale = 0.4]{example-image-a}
    \caption{Figure 1}
  • 1
    It perfectly working. Thanks a lot Commented May 22, 2023 at 4:43

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