I want to draw a Disk
icon as follows:
I was able to come up with:
>=latex,shorten >=2pt,shorten <=2pt,shape aspect=1,
arrow/.style={<->, >=stealth, semithick},
every node/.style = {font=\normalsize}
cylinder,shape border rotate=90,draw,fill=white,
shape aspect=0.2,font={\baselineskip=9pt},inner xsep=3pt,
align=center,xshift=30mm,yshift=-2mm] (A) {%
Cloud Storage \\
\textit{...} \\
cylinder,shape border rotate=90,draw,fill=white,yshift=-2.7mm,
shape aspect=0.2,font={\baselineskip=9pt},inner xsep=3pt,
align=center,xshift=30mm,yshift=-2mm] (C) {%
Cloud Storage
cylinder,shape border rotate=90,draw,fill=white,yshift=2.7mm,
shape aspect=0.2,font={\baselineskip=9pt},inner xsep=3pt,
align=center,xshift=30mm,yshift=-2mm] (B) {%
Cloud Storage
\node[draw,circle,dashed,inner sep=-1.2pt,draw=gray!50,thick,fit=(A)] (D) {};
I was not able to draw sub-cyclinder in the middle. I keep the text in between to keep cyclinder's width.