I have the following custom environment setup:
\newtcolorbox{titlebox}[5]{enhanced,center,colframe=black,colback=white,boxrule={#3},arc={#2},auto outer arc,%
breakable,pad at break*=5pt,vfill before first,before={\par\medskip\noindent},after={\par\medskip},top=12pt,left=4pt,%
enlarge top by=7pt,%enlarge bottom by=7pt,%
title={\rule[-.3\baselineskip]{0pt}{\baselineskip}\normalsize\sffamily\bfseries #1}, varwidth boxed title*=-30pt,
attach boxed title to top left={yshift=-10pt,xshift=10pt}, coltitle=black,
boxed title style={colback=white,boxrule={#5},arc={#4},auto outer arc}
\begin{small}\begin{titlebox}{{\normalfont \textbf{Experiment}} \normalfont #1}{2.5pt}{1pt}{3.5pt}{1pt}}
Left text & Right Text
The problem is that I want to modify my environment in such a way that it splits the box horizontally into two halves of equal size, and on the left of both sides I want to have the text "Experiment" followed by the given input. I also want to be able to write on both sides of the divided box somehow. Optionally, there should be a vertical bar where the division of the box into two parts happens. Any ideas how to do that? Something along these lines (so the current box kind of replicated to have two parts):