It is needed to adjust the vertical aligment of hairpins. The basic code is as follow:

\usepackage[top=3cm, bottom=2.8cm, left=3.5cm, right=2.5cm, marginparwidth=0cm, marginparsep=0cm, headheight=13.6pt, a4paper]{geometry}


    %\input musixps
    \font\A=phvb8t at 10pt% added for letter type.
    \setclef1\treble % Clave de Sol para el Instrumento 1
    \nobarnumbers % Omite la numeración en los compases
    \nostartrule % Inicia sin barra vertical
    \startextract %inicia el fragmento musical
    \endextract % Se finaliza el fragmento musical

The current output is as follow: current

The desired output is as follow: desired

2 Answers 2


I'm not sure of the officially sanctioned method, but a \raisebox can provide the required fix.

\usepackage[top=3cm, bottom=2.8cm, left=3.5cm, right=2.5cm, marginparwidth=0cm, marginparsep=0cm, headheight=13.6pt, a4paper]{geometry}


    %\input musixps
    \font\A=phvb8t at 10pt% added for letter type.
    \setclef1\treble % Clave de Sol para el Instrumento 1
    \nobarnumbers % Omite la numeración en los compases
    \nostartrule % Inicia sin barra vertical
    \startextract %inicia el fragmento musical
    \endextract % Se finaliza el fragmento musical

enter image description here

  • 1
    Thats nice. Used raisebox with musixtex many times …
    – MS-SPO
    Commented May 30, 2023 at 20:29
  • 1
    Actually, this is not the MusiXTeX way, which is the answer of user206750, see MusiXTeX manual paragraph 10.7 (page 53-54).
    – C. Peters
    Commented May 31, 2023 at 6:22

Just replace your lines




by this:

\NOTEs\zchar{13}{\f}\wh{g}\zcharnote N{\tcresc}\en\bar

and this:

\NOTEs\zchar{13}{\pp}\wh{c}\zcharnote N{\tdecresc}\en

according to chapter 10.7 p. 53 of musixdoc.pdf

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