I am using LateX for the 1st time (just started yesterday).
Can someone please share how do I align everything after the "where" term? I wish to describe each term of the equation.
Also how do I wrap the text? Is there a way to automatically wrap the text to the equal sign? I am currently using split
here's the tex code -
\frac{\partial \rho e}{\partial t} = &\text{ Rate of change of total energy e with respect to time. It contains both internal energy} \\&\text{ and kinetic energy}
\nabla \cdot (\rho e V) = &\text{ Divergence of convective flux of energy. Accounts for the transport of} \\&\text{ energy through the fluid flow.}
-\nabla \cdot(pV) = &\text{ Work done on the fluid by the presure forces. It describes the changes} \\&\text{ in the pressure with in the fluid.}
\nabla \cdot (k \nabla T) = &\text{ Represents the heat transfer by conduction in the fluid due to temerature gradient} \\&\text{k is thermal conductivity and T is temp. gradient}
\text{Q} = \text{Heat transfer into the fluid per unit volume, accounting for any external heat sources or sinks.}
\text{W} = \text{ Represents the work done by the viscous forces in the fluid flow}
Is there a better way to implement this?