I suggest you make use of the \hypertarget
mechanism provided by the hyperref
package. Both commands take two arguments; the first argument of a linked pair of such commands should be the same.
In the following example, clicking on the word "Pythagoras" in the theorem's header while in the pdf file will take the reader to the associated proof.
\usepackage{amsthm} % or '\usepackage{ntheorem}'
\usepackage[nameinlink,noabbrev]{cleveref} % optional
\section{Main results}
\begin{theorem}[\hyperlink{proof:pyth}{Pythagoras}] \label{thm:pyth}
Let $a$, $b$, and $c$ denote the lengths of the sides
of a \emph{right triangle}, i.e., of a triangle with
one angle equal to $90^\circ$. Without loss of generality
assume that $a\le b<c$. Then $a^2+b^2=c^2$.
\section{Proofs of all theorems}
\begin{proof}[\hypertarget{proof:pyth}{Proof of \Cref{thm:pyth}}]
and ending with\end{document}
. Hope someone can answer!THeorem header into a link
in this context? I would just writeThe proof is on page \pageref{proof:ex_thm}
after the theorem. Then it works with and without hyperlinks.