I want a vertical space in one row of a table without stretching out all rows of the table. The suggestions I see all involve \arraystretch{}, but I want the text-only row to still be small.



Tally of pink beads     & Tally of blue beads \\ \hline
\vspace{.5in}     &  \\ \hline


table with a vertical gap in the walls of the enlarged cell

1 Answer 1


Insert a vertical strut (a zero-width \rule) of appropriate length (height):

enter image description here



\begin{tabular}{ | c | c | }
  Tally of pink beads & Tally of blue beads \\
  \vspace{.5in}       &                     \\


\begin{tabular}{ | c | c | }
  Tally of pink beads & Tally of blue beads \\
  \rule{0pt}{.5in}    &                     \\


In your setup (with \vspace) the vertical space is inserted after the line break \\ when the vertical rules for that row has already been inserted. So, setting a zero-width \rule within the line keeps TeX in horizontal mode, allowing the vertical rules to stretch across the entire row's height.

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