I want to change the default background color of the \tcolorbox environment. I really like /.append style but I know that's a TiKZ thing.

When you uncomment the \renewenvironment in the header, Overleaf gives this warning:

TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [grouping levels=255].

I tried some variations on it but I can't seem to fix the problem.

It seems like the available documentation for \newenvironment is a lot more thorough than for \renewenvironment.


%%%%%%%%%This didn't work in the header. I tried putting in [1] and that didn't seem to matter


The default background is gray

    I want it to default to white


tcolorboxes mwe

  • 1
    You can use \tcbset{colback=white} to set a different "default". (The cleaner option may be to define your own style with all the "default" values you want, and use the style wherever needed.)
    – user299596
    Commented Jun 24, 2023 at 21:08

1 Answer 1


@user26305 answered in a comment


\tcbset{colback=white} %This fixed it


The default background has been changed from gray to white!


Thank you!

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