I am creating a beamer
presentation on Lewis dot structures.
I got most of my code from this question (Draw Lewis structures like a book)... But then I got stuck with BH3...(3rd reaction). I am not sure if I can write BH3 (with double dots instead of bonds/lines) with the chemformula package
or if I need to do it using the chemfig
way. I tried recreating the BH3 structure with chemfig
s \Charge
command (commented out), wich outside the align
environment seems to work, but if I paste it instead of the \chlewis
command the document does not compile.
Any help is appreciated.
!(\elconf{H})( "\chlewis{0.}{H}" ) +
!(\elconf{H})( "\chlewis{0.}{H}" )
& ->
!(\writeelconf{2})( "\chlewis{0.}{H}" "\chlewis{180.}{H}" ) \\
!(\elconf{N})( "\chlewis{0.90:180.270.}{N}" ) +
!(\elconf{O})( "\chlewis{0:90:180.270.}{O}" )
& ->
!(\writeelconf{2,2+5}\writeelconf{2,2+6}) ( "\chlewis{0:90:180.}{N}" "\chlewis{45:180:315:}{O}" ) \\
!(\elconf{H})( "\chlewis{0.}{3H}" ) +
!(\elconf{B})( "\chlewis{0.90.180.}{B}" )
& ->
!(\writeelconf{2,2+4}) ( "\chlewis{0:90:180:}{B}" )
%!(\writeelconf{2,2+4}) ( "\chemfig[atom sep=1.25em]{H-[,,,,draw=none]\Charge{[circle]0=\:,90=\:,180=\:}{B}(-[:90,,,,draw=none]H)-[,,,,draw=none]H} " )