I have to use a very specific style for my bibliography which looks like this:
last name, first name; last name, first name & first name last name (Year^Edition): Title. In: last name, first name; last name, first name & first name last name (eds.): Booktitle. Location: Publisher, pagerange.
Additionally, for articles in journals, the volume and issue should be displayed like this: "Volume (Issue)".
That means, the following entries
author = {Birkmann, Jörn},
title = {Regulation and Coupling of Society and Nature in the Context of Natural Hazards},
booktitle = {Coping with global environmental change, disasters and security: threats, challenges, vulnerabilities and risks},
editor = {Brauch, Hans Günter and Oswald Spring, Úrsula and Mesjasz, Czeslaw and Grin, John and Kameri-Mbote, Patricia and Chourou, Béchir and Dunai, Pál and Birkmann, Jörn},
date = {2011},
location = {Berlin, New York},
publisher = {Springer, Berghof Foundation},
pages = {1103--1128}, }
location = {London, New York},
title = {Translocal China: linkages, identities and the reimagining of space},
publisher = {Routledge, Taylor \& Francis Group},
editor = {Oakes, Tim and Schein, Louisa},
date = {2005},}
location = {Cham},
title = {Climate-Induced Migration in West Africa},
pages = {79--105},
booktitle = {Migration in West Africa},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
author = {Teye, Joseph Kofi and Nikoi, Ebenezer G. A.},
editor = {Teye, Joseph Kofi},
date = {2022},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-97322-3_5},}
title = {Migration in a changing climate. Towards a translocal social resilience approach},
volume = {147},
doi = {10.12854/erde-147-6},
pages = {81--94},
number = {2},
journaltitle = {{DIE} {ERDE}},
author = {Sakdapolrak, Patrick and Naruchaikusol, Sopon and Ober, Kayly and Peth, Simon and Porst, Luise and Rockenbauch, Till and Tolo, Vera},
date = {2016},}
location = {Weinheim},
edition = {4},
title = {Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: Methoden, Praxis, Computerunterstützung},
publisher = {Beltz},
author = {Kuckartz, Udo},
date = {2018},
should look like this:
Birkmann J. (2011): Regulation and Coupling of Society and Nature in the Context of Natural Hazards. In: Brauch, H.G.; Oswald Spring, U; Mesjasz, C.; Grin, J.; Kameri-Mbote; P.; Chourou, B.; Dunai, P. & J. Birkmann (eds.): Coping with global environmental change, disasasters and securtiy: threats, challenges, vulnerabilities and risks. Berlin, New York: Springer, Berghof Foundation, 1103-1128.
Kuckartz, U. (2018⁴): Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: Methoden, Praxis, Computerunterstützung. Weinheim: Beltz.
Oakes, T. & L. Schein (eds.) (2005): Translocal China: linkages, identities and the reimagining of space. London, New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Teye, J. K. & G. A. Ebenezer (2022): Climate-Induced Migration in West Africa. In: Teye, J. K. (ed.): Migration in West Africa. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 79-105. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-97322-3_5.
Sakdapolrak, P.; Naruchaikusol, S.; Ober, K; Peth, S.; Porst, L.; Rockenbauch T. & V. Tolo (2016): Migration in a changing climate. Towards a translocal social resilience appraoch. In: DIE ERDE 147 (2), 81-94. DOI: 10.12854/erde-147-6.
I found one solution for reversing the display of the last author, however if there is only one author, this author is displayed as first name last name.
Edit: I found another related question. The solution provided there (see also MWE below) works for authors. Unfortunately the editors of @incollection
are still printed as Given-Family
Minimal Working Example including the code from the linked solution:
location = {London, New York},
title = {Translocal China: linkages, identities and the reimagining of space},
publisher = {Routledge, Taylor \& Francis Group},
editor = {Oakes, Tim and Schein, Louisa},
date = {2005},}
location = {Cham},
title = {Climate-Induced Migration in West Africa},
pages = {79--105},
booktitle = {Migration in West Africa},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
author = {Teye, Joseph Kofi and Nikoi, Ebenezer G. A.},
editor = {Teye, Joseph Kofi},
date = {2022},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-97322-3_5},}
title = {Migration in a changing climate. Towards a translocal social resilience approach},
volume = {147},
doi = {10.12854/erde-147-6},
pages = {81--94},
number = {2},
journaltitle = {{DIE} {ERDE}},
author = {Sakdapolrak, Patrick and Naruchaikusol, Sopon and Ober, Kayly and Peth, Simon and Porst, Luise and Rockenbauch, Till and Tolo, Vera},
date = {2016},}
location = {Weinheim},
edition = {4},
title = {Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: Methoden, Praxis, Computerunterstützung},
publisher = {Beltz},
author = {Kuckartz, Udo},
date = {2018},
citestyle= authoryear-icomp,
\renewcommand*{\mkbibnamefamily}[1]{\textsc{#1}} %Small caps for author/editor last name
\DeclareFieldFormat*{title}{#1} %Print title without emphasis
\DeclareFieldFormat*{booktitle}{#1} %Print booktitle without emphasis
\DeclareFieldFormat*{journaltitle}{#1} %Print journaltitle without emphasis
\DeclareDelimFormat[bib,biblist,parencite]{multinamedelim}{\addsemicolon\space} % use semicolon to seperate authors in bibliography and citation in text
\DeclareDelimFormat[bib,biblist,parencite]{finalnamedelim}{\space\&\space} % use & to seperate last author/editor in bibliography
\DeclareDelimFormat[bib,biblist]{nametitledelim}{\addcolon\space} % use colon to seperate (Year) and Title
\DeclareDelimFormat[textcite, parencite]{postnotedelim}{\addcolon\space} % use colon to seperate Year and page in citation
%%% Reversing only the last author to given-family %%%
\ifboolexpr{test {\ifnumless{\value{listcount}}{\value{listtotal}}} or test {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{1}}}
test {\ifdefvoid\namepartgiven}
test {\ifdefvoid\namepartprefix}}
%% Removing p. and pp. from bibliography and citation %%
page = {},
pages = {},
%% (ed.) and (eds.) %%
While the second linked solution works for the authors, and editors if the whole @collection
is referenced, the editors are not displayed correctly for @incollection
(see first and last entry).
Bonus question: How do I get the edition as a superscript after the year?
to handle the case of a single author?