I have put together a equivalent circuit model of a battery in Latex and circuitikz, but I can not change the position of two elements. So I would like to have the arrow and label of the voltage source on the left side instead of the right. I tried "mirror" and a >/< by the v of the label, but it did not change. Additionally I would like the arrow and label of V_bat on the right instead of the left like it is now.
How do I accomplish this?
Here is the code and a picture:
\draw (0,0) to[american voltage source, v=$V_{OCV}$] (0,-4);
\draw (0,0) to [short] (2,0);
\draw (2,0) to [short] (2,1);
\draw (2,0) to [short] (2,-1);
\draw (2,1) to[R=$R(SoC)$] (5,1);
\draw (2,-1) to[C=$C(SoC)$] (5,-1);
\draw (5,-1) to [short] (5,1);
\draw (5,0) to [short, -o] (6,0);
\draw (0,-4) to [short, -o] (6,-4);
\draw (6,0) to [open, v=$V_{Bat}$] (6,-4);
package) is important to answer correctly...