In continuation of the previous question How to show the frametitle only on the first slide of a frame , there was a problem with text alignment. The problem is that I am trying set bottomsep and top sep for every frame such as pictures
so for the text, it is necessary to set indents of 4 pt from the bottom and top, as shown in the figure, so that there is also allow break a new page of content for each section (a separate title page is the title of a new lecture).
TeX exmaple code:
\documentclass[aspectratio=169, 10pt]{beamer}
% 1. Line spacing 1.15
% 2. Indent margin 1.25 cm
% 3. Indentation between adjacent paragraphs 12pt (double)
%% Set the left and right margins
\setbeamersize{text margin left=2em,text margin right=2em}
\setbeamerfont{block title}{size=\normalsize}
%% If you'd like everything to have the same colour
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=black}
%% Add a line after the frametitle
% \addtobeamertemplate{frametitle}{}{\vspace*{-1ex}\rule{\textwidth}{1pt}}
%% Remove default navigation symbols (We'll add the ones we need in the footline
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered]
%% And before the footline... actually we'd like to re-define
%% the footline
%% Beamer headlines and footlines are always full-paperwidth, so if you want the horizontal line to
%% not span it entirely you'll need to do a bit of arithmetic
\rule{\linewidth}{1pt} \vskip 1pt
%% The frame number smack in the middle
% \hfill\insertpagenumber/\inserttotalframenumber
%% ONLY the navigation symbols we want at the far right.
%% We use an \llap so that it takes up zero width, and doesn't throw the page number off-centre!
\define@key{beamerframe}{t}[true]{% top
\title{\textbf{Linear Algebra}}
\date{August 2023}
\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks,allowdisplaybreaks,t] \frametitle{Intro}
\subsection{Intro II}
\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks,allowdisplaybreaks] \frametitle{Intro II}
\section{Mathematics II}
\section{Mathematics III}
\frametitle{Readable Mathematics III}
\section{Mathematics IV}
\section{Mathematics V}
\section{Mathematics VI}
\section{Mathematics VII}
\section{Mathematics VIII}
\section{Mathematics IX}
\section{Mathematics X}
and I try to to set top skip, but this no effect
\define@key{beamerframe}{t}[true]{% top
And my troubleshooting: How to align text vertically in beamer frame with this top and bottom skip 4pt and correct text aligment at the page?