The comma after the equation coincides with the number of the equation using the eqnarray
. How can get rid of that?
S_{EMS}=\frac{1}{16 \pi G_4} \int_{\mathcal{l}} \mathrm{d^4}x \ \sqrt{-r} \ \left[p - \frac{f(\xi)}{4}D_{MN}D^{MN} -\frac{1}{2}\partial_{M}\phi \partial^{l}\xi -V(\phi)\right],
. It lists this observation as one of the deficiencies ineqnarray
. See\mathcal{L}
instead of\mathcal{l}
? Unless you're employing a highly unusual math font,\mathcal{l}
will not produce what you may think it should.