I am typesetting a book with Sections. Using TeXShop. Using imakeidx. I'd like to have the index in the toc without a section number. Right now everything is fine except that instead of the heading "Index" at the top of the index I get
Section IV
also in printing out the index, the header is Index on even-numbered pages, and INDEX on odd.
Here's my main file (I left out what I believe is irrelevant. This should run and show the first problem)
\fancyhead{} %Clean headers
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\thechapter. {\slshape{##1}}}{}}
{\normalfont \Huge \bfseries}{}{0pt}
{ Section \thechapter\\ ##1}%
\newcommand{\figc}[1]{Fig. I.~\ref{#1}}
\makeindex[columns=2, title=Index, intoc]
\renewcommand{\figc}[1]{Fig.\ IV.~\ref{#1}}
\renewcommand{\figurename}{Fig.\ IV.}
and here's Stack-Part-IV.tex
\section{Verrocchio's non-figural sculptures}
Sample text with endnote\endnote{This would be an endnote} and an index entry\index{Entry, index}.
\subsection{Picture credits for Section IV}
Stand-in for picture credit.
? Where would you add it?