I would like to remove the what is inside the red boxes below:
I am using the following code:
\definecolor{mygray}{RGB}{238, 238, 238}
caption = {Example of a long table with merged rows},
label = {tab:example},
width = \textwidth,
colspec = {|X[1,c,m]|X[1,l,m]|X[1,l,m]|},
rowhead = 1,
row{1} = {bg=mygray},
Name & Country & Description \\
Alice & USA & \lipsum[1][1-1] \\
& Canada & \lipsum[2][1-1] \\
& Mexico & \lipsum[3][1-1] \\
Bob & UK & \lipsum[4][1-2] \\
& France & \lipsum[5][1-3] \\
& Germany & \lipsum[6][1-4] \\
Charlie & China & \lipsum[7][1-1] \\
& Japan & \lipsum[8][1-1] \\
& Korea & \lipsum[9][1-1] \\