Something like this? And you don't want isometric (angles 30/150/90), trust me ;)
\newcommand{\dimension}{5}% actually dimension-1
[ x={(\xx cm,\xy cm)},
y={(\yx cm,\yy cm)},
z={(\zx cm,\zy cm)},
\foreach \a in {0,...,\dimension}
{ \foreach \b in {0,...,\dimension}
{ \pgfmathsetmacro{\c}{100-\a*7-\b*7}
\draw[canvas is xy plane at z=\a, black!\c] (\b,0) -- (\b,\dimension) (0,\b) -- (\dimension,\b);
\draw[canvas is xz plane at y=\a, black!\c] (\b,0) -- (\b,\dimension) (0,\b) -- (\dimension,\b);
\draw[canvas is yz plane at x=\a, black!\c] (\b,0) -- (\b,\dimension) (0,\b) -- (\dimension,\b);
\foreach \a in {0,...,\dimension}
{ \foreach \b in {0,...,\dimension}
{ \foreach \c in {0,...,\dimension}
{ \fill (\a,\b,\c) circle (0.05cm);
Edit 1: Some improvements: The fading computation is better, and the cuboid is constructed from back to front (if zangle≈270
, yangle≈150
, xangle≈30
). Does it have to be a cube, or is a cuboid sufficient?
% nice result for 30 150 270 1 1.414 1.732
% nice result for 11 133 270 1 1 1
\newcommand{\dimension}{6}% actually dimension-1
[ x={(\xx cm,\xy cm)},
y={(\yx cm,\yy cm)},
z={(\zx cm,\zy cm)},
\foreach \x in {\dimension,...,0}
{ \foreach \y in {\dimension,...,0}
{ \foreach \z in {\dimension,...,0}
{ \pgfmathsetmacro{\c}{100-(\x*\y*\z)/(\dimension*\dimension*\dimension)*95}
{\draw[black!\c] (\x,\y,\z) -- (\x-1,\y,\z);}{}
{\draw[black!\c] (\x,\y,\z) -- (\x,\y-1,\z);}{}
{\draw[black!\c] (\x,\y,\z) -- (\x,\y,\z-1);}{}
\fill[red!\c] (\x,\y,\z) circle (0.05cm);
\foreach \x/\y/\z/\lab in {0/0/4/Bla,1/5/0/Bli,1/1/1/Blubb}
{ \fill[blue] (\x,\y,\z) circle (0.05cm) node[fill=white,rounded corners=2mm,fill opacity=0.5,text opacity=1,above right,inner sep=2pt] {\lab};
Output cuboid