I'm new using Latex and I'm trying to put a mail in the end of my document, with a "*" by the side of the 1st author. I've tried a lot of things but nothing gives what I want.
What I stay with for now is
\author{Author 1$^{1,2}$} \thanks{\href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}}\author{author2$^2$, author3$^2$}
But as you can see, there is an "and" between Author 1 and the others, that I don't want. How can I get rid of it ? Or have you another solution ?
Thank you everyone, hope I have been clear in my question.
EDIT : I'm using a template I'm obligated to use. From the template, if I want to add other author the "*" will get at the end of the line, but I want it just next to author 1. That is why I tried the solution above, but it gives me an "and" between the authors.
If it's not possible of course I will adapt, but maybe there is a solution to my problem ?
The code of the template is
\author{Firstname Lastname$^1$}
\email{[email protected]}
\affiliation{$^1$Laboratory, Department, University of City, Address, Country}
Bablabla blablabla~\cite{Ref1}. Bliblibli blibli bli bliblibli~\cite{Ref2}.
\bibitem{Ref1} A. First, B. Second, and C. Third, "On the Quantum Foundations", Quant. Inf. J. \textbf{1}, 1-10 (2023).
\bibitem{Ref2} A. Fourth, B. Fifth, and C. Sixth, "On the Quantum Revolutions", Quant. Inf. J. \textbf{1}, 11-20 (2023).
relies heavily on the useddocumentclass
. Without further information its nearly impossible to solve your problem. Also the manually typing of footnotes using math mode superscript should not be necessary in a good written LaTeX class.