I would like to merge the two columns ("Nanofiltration" and "Reverse Osmosis", see image) to one column for both cells and centered.

However, multicolumn does not work: ! LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.

I can do EITHER \multicolumn without \itemize (but then I have a problem with the table to exceed the page margin) OR \itemize without \multicolumn (as in the example below).







\usepackage{tabularx, ragged2e} 
\captionsetup[table]{labelsep=space, justification=raggedright, singlelinecheck=off}





\newcommand{\abbrlabel}[1]{\makebox[4cm][l]{\textbf{#1}\ \tocfill}}

                \caption[Characteristics of pressure driven membrane processes]{Characteristics of pressure driven membrane processes}
                &Microfiltraton&Ultrafiltration&Nanofiltration&Reverse Osmosis\\
                \caption[Characteristics of pressure driven membrane processes]{Characteristics of pressure driven membrane processes (continued)}\\
                &   Microfiltraton                              &   Ultrafiltration                 &   Nanofiltration                              &   Reverse Osmosis                     \\
                Membrane material                           &       
                        \item hydrophobic polymeric (PTFE, PVDF, PP, PE)
                        \item hydrophilic polymeric (cellulose, PC, PSU/PES, PI/PEI, PA, PEEK)
                        \item ceramic (Al2O3, ZrO2, TiO2, SiC) 
                        \item glass (SiO2), carbon, metals (stainless steel, palladium, tungsten, silver)
                        \item polymeric (PSU/PES, PVDF, PAN, cellulose, PE/PEI, PA, PEEK) 
                        \item ceramic (Al2O3, ZrO2)
                    %   \multicolumn{2}{c}{
                            \item   integral-asymmetric:\newline
                            cellulose esters (CDA, CTA),\newline
                            aromatic PA,\newline
                            PBI, PAH, PI
                            \item composites 
                Characterisation                    & 
                        \item SEM
                        \item bubble-point method
                        \item mercury porometry
                        \item permeation
                        \item cuff-off method
                        \item thermoporometry
                        \item liquid displacement
                        \item permporometry
                        \item gas ad-/desorption
                        \item permeation
                        \item   permeation methods (gas/liquids) 
                        \item   DSC/DTA methods 
                        \item   density measurements 
                        \item   WAXS 
                        \item   plasma etching 
                        \item   surface analysis
                Industrial application                      &
                        \item analytical applications
                        \item sterilisation and clarification (food, beverages, pharmaceuticals)
                        \item ultrapure water for semiconductors
                        \item cell harvesting, bioreactor in biotechnology
                        \item medical application (plasmapheresis)
                        \item water treatment
                        \item dairy
                        \item food (starch, proteins)
                        \item metallurgy (oil-water emulsions)
                        \item textile applications
                        \item pharmaceutical (enzymes, antibiotics)
                        \item water treatment
                        \item desalination of brackish water
                        \item micropollutents removal
                        \item water softening
                        \item waste water treatment
                        \item retention of dyes
                        \item desalination of brackish and sea water
                        \item ultrapure water production
                        \item food juice and sugars concentration
                        \item milk concentration
                \multicolumn{5}{p{\dimexpr0.93\linewidth+4\tabcolsep}}{\scriptsize footnote}\\

enter image description here

  • 2
    it works in a multicolumn but does not work in a c column as c is like \mbox a one-line entry set to its natural width, you can not have vertical constructs like a list in any c column (unrelated to \multicolumn or longtable) use p{...} for a suitable width not c Commented Sep 29, 2023 at 10:23
  • @DavidCarlisle So you´re saying it´s not possible to center the merged list using multicolumn? Commented Sep 29, 2023 at 10:32
  • 1
    no I'm saying you can not use a c column, you need to use p. If you are merging two p{4cm} you want \multicolumn{2}{p{\dimexpr8cm+2\tabcolsep}} not \multicolumn{2}{c} Commented Sep 29, 2023 at 10:43
  • You could of couse use the C column you have defined for a centred p but since you have an itemized list, centering would be rather weird. Commented Sep 29, 2023 at 10:45
  • 1
    See also tex.stackexchange.com/questions/567746/… Commented Sep 29, 2023 at 13:00

2 Answers 2


Based on second example in in my answer on your previous question:


\UseTblrLibrary{booktabs, varwidth}


caption = {Characteristics of pressure driven membrane processes},
  entry = {Characteristics of pressure driven membrane processes},
  label = {tab:pressuredriven},
                    ]{colspec = {@{} X[0.5,l]*{4}{X[l]} @{}},
                      stretch = -1, %<--- remove extra space above and below lists
                                    % with nosep option; doc p.51 tabularray
                       cell{2-Z}{4} = {c=2}{},  % <------- added
                       rowsep = 5pt,
                       rowhead  = 1,
                        measure = vbox,
                        hspan=minimal            % <------- added
    &   Microfiltraton 
        &   Ultrafiltration 
            &   Nanofiltration 
                &   Reverse Osmosis         \\
Membrane material                           
    &   \begin{itemize}
    \item hydrophobic polymeric (PTFE, PVDF, PP, PE)
    \item hydrophilic polymeric (cellulose, PC, PSU/PES, PI/PEI, PA, PEEK)
    \item ceramic (\ce{Al2O3}, \ce{ZrO2}, \ce{TiO2}, \ce{SiC})
    \item glass (SiO2), carbon, metals (stainless steel, palladium, tungsten, silver)
        &   \begin{itemize}
        \item polymeric (PSU/PES, PVDF, PAN, cellulose, PE/PEI, PA, PEEK)
        \item ceramic (\ce{Al2O3}, \ce{ZrO2})
            &   \begin{itemize}
            \item   integral-asymmetric: 
                    cellulose esters (CDA, CTA), 
                    PBI, PAH, PI
            \item composites
Membrane material
    &   \begin{itemize}[nosep]
    \item hydrophobic polymeric (PTFE, PVDF, PP, PE)
    \item hydrophilic polymeric (cellulose, PC, PSU/PES, PI/PEI, PA, PEEK)
    \item ceramic (\ce{Al2O3}, \ce{ZrO2}, \ce{TiO2}, \ce{SiC})
    \item glass (SiO2), carbon, metals (stainless steel, palladium, tungsten, silver)
        &   \begin{itemize}[nosep]
        \item polymeric (PSU/PES, PVDF, PAN, cellulose, PE/PEI, PA, PEEK)
        \item ceramic (\ce{Al2O3}, \ce{ZrO2})
            &   \begin{itemize}[nosep]
            \item   integral-asymmetric:
                    cellulose esters (CDA, CTA),
                    PBI, PAH, PI
            \item composites
Membrane material
    &   \begin{itemize}[nosep]
    \item hydrophobic polymeric (PTFE, PVDF, PP, PE)
    \item hydrophilic polymeric (cellulose, PC, PSU/PES, PI/PEI, PA, PEEK)
    \item ceramic (\ce{Al2O3}, \ce{ZrO2}, \ce{TiO2}, \ce{SiC})
    \item glass (SiO2), carbon, metals (stainless steel, palladium, tungsten, silver)
        &   \begin{itemize}[nosep]
        \item polymeric (PSU/PES, PVDF, PAN, cellulose, PE/PEI, PA, PEEK)
        \item ceramic (\ce{Al2O3}, \ce{ZrO2})
            &   \begin{itemize}[nosep]
            \item   integral-asymmetric:
                    cellulose esters (CDA, CTA),
                    PBI, PAH, PI
            \item composites

enter image description here


Itemize works within Multicolumn using p (instead of c) option.

In this case: \multicolumn{2}{p{\dimexpr8cm+2\tabcolsep}}.

If the bullets should be centered within the merged cell, there are a few options:

I used option one resulting in this table format:

enter image description here

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