I need to put some bar charts in a ConTeXt document. I'm using mkiv from TeX Live 2011, under Gentoo GNU/Linux. I tried using Gnuplot but I found mpgraph
suits better my needs.
I'm using this TeX file
draw begingraph(12cm,6cm);
glabel.lft(btex Eje Y etex, OUT);
glabel.bot(btex Eje X etex, OUT);
path p;
augment.p (0,$1);
augment.p ($2,$1);
augment p ($2,$1 Sadd "1");
augment p (0,$1 Sadd "1");
gdraw p withpen pencircle scaled 2bp withcolor red;
autogrid(grid.bot,grid.lft) withcolor .85white;
and this data file
1 4
2 2
3 1
4 2
5 4
as a minimal 'working' example.
However, some strange is happening: I can't use any operator from sarith
module (used in mpgraph
module for drawing boxes). I got this output with ConTeXt. I tried compiling with Metapost, although I got no errors or warnings the output .dvi is corrupted.
I've tried also with TeX Live 2012 under Windows 7. I can't compile there because of the sarith
thing, but when I comment that lines it works. But doing the same thing in my Gentoo box works, excepting that text for labels or axis doesn't appear, just a very little square. I don't understand what is happening, even the example from the ConTeXt wiki doesn't work. Clues? Any help is very appreciated!
when you run withcontext
package (which is supposed to work with ConTeXt as well). Metapost provides only a limited plotting capabilities.