I am trying to draw a parallel line to SN (N is an intersection of SM and AB). And also to add "y" symbol in the center of it (like with the lines near SB and BN).
UPDATE: I have came up with the following solution. Still, it is an absolute madness to create such lines just by choosing coordinates.
UPDATE 2: Thank you all for your help! I have finally made the picture i wanted to, the code is provided below! Special thanks to MS-SPO =)
\draw[-] (-2, 0) -- (9.3, 0); \draw (-2, 3) -- (9.3, 3);
\coordinate[label=above:\small $S$] (S) at (-1.7, 3);
\coordinate[label=below:\small $M$] (M) at ( 5, 0);
\coordinate[label=above:\small $B$] (B) at ( 2, 3);
\coordinate[label=below:\small $A$] (A) at ( 2, 0);
\coordinate[label=below:\small $Q$] (Q) at ( 9.3, 0);
\draw[name path=ortho] (A) -- (B);
\draw[name path=diag] (S) -- (M);
\draw[dash pattern={on 1pt off 2pt on 1pt off 2pt}, name path=diagonal] (S) -- (Q);
\fill [name intersections={of=ortho and diag}]
(intersection-1) coordinate (N) circle (1pt)
node[xshift=5pt,yshift=-10pt] {\small $N$};
\fill [name intersections={of=ortho and diagonal}]
(intersection-1) coordinate (L) circle (1pt)
node[xshift=-5pt,yshift=-5pt] {\small $L$};
\pic[draw, angle radius=2mm] {right angle=N--A--M};
\fill (A) circle (1pt);
\fill (B) circle (1pt);
\fill (M) circle (1pt);
\fill (S) circle (1pt);
\fill (Q) circle (1pt);
\draw[|-|] ([shift=(230:2.5mm)] S) --
node[fill=white,inner sep=0.5mm,outer sep=0.5mm] {\small $y$}
([shift=(230:2.5mm)] N);
\draw[|-|] ([yshift=2.5mm, xshift=2.2mm)] S) --
node[fill=white,inner sep=0.5mm,outer sep=0.5mm] {\small $c$}
([yshift=2.5mm, xshift=-2.2mm)] B);
\draw[|-|] ([xshift=2.5mm, yshift=-1mm)] B) --
node[fill=white,inner sep=0.5mm,outer sep=0.5mm] {\small $x$}
([xshift=2.5mm, yshift=1mm)] N);
\draw[|-|] ([xshift=-2.5mm, yshift=-1mm)] B) --
node[fill=white,inner sep=0.5mm,outer sep=0.5mm] {\small $\varepsilon$}
([xshift=-2.5mm, yshift=1.3mm)] L);
package possible for you?dim line