I would like to make a table of titles which will look like this

A   First Title
B   Second Title

and so on

I am unsure whether to make a new environment or a new command for this.

Currently I am doing


\date{October 2023}





\noindent\textbf{A \quad First Title}

\smallskip\noindent\textbf{B \quad Second Title}

\section{First Title}
\section{Second Title}


One can use tables (e.g. list, enumeration, tabular) but the text is smaller and there is some indentation.

etoc is a massive thing. I only want a small simple list a few Appendix Titles which will not be enormous.

  • 2
    Again, no minimal example and no context. Your \smallskip puts space after the second title. If these are titles of things in your document, such as appendices, you don't want to enter them manually at all. But I already mentioned etoc. (There are other similar options - that's just the one I've used.)
    – cfr
    Commented Oct 15, 2023 at 4:31
  • You might also look at minitoc. Commented Oct 17, 2023 at 18:25

2 Answers 2


How about

\begin{tabular}{ ll } % use 'l' ("left aligned") col. type
  A & First Title \\
  B & Second Title

If all contents need to be rendered in bold, I suggest you not use lots of \textbf directives. Instead, just load the array package in the preamble and replace \begin{tabular}{ ll } with \begin{tabular}{ >{\bfseries}l >{\bfseries}l }. Can you guess what >{\bfseries} does?

The result of making these code snippets compilable:

enter image description here



\begin{tabular}{ ll } 
  A & First Title \\
  B & Second Title

\begin{tabular}{ >{\bfseries}l >{\bfseries}l } 
  A & First Title \\
  B & Second Title



This uses enumerate (just for fun).

\usepackage{enumitem}% not really needed, but useful}

\date{October 2023}





  \item First Title
  \item Second Title

\section{First Title}
\section{Second Title}


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