I'm having a project which having Ten chapters and the project is in Overleaf
. Each chapter having two TeX
application files, e.g., ch01.tex
having the actual content for Chapter 1
and Ch01run.tex
having the preamble tags like \documentclass...
etc.), sample MWE
\chapter{Chapter 1}\label{firstchapter}
The same structure applicable for all chapters, hence group of persons handles each chapters separately. In this, Some times ??
error, happens in some files, but when rerun the particular file solves the issue, but after some time again the same ?? happening to some other chapter. How can I fix this?
I've created a test project (https://www.overleaf.com/project/640708681ddf247f0fe3645a) in Overleaf
, and now trying with the file xr.sty
, also followed the steps described in https://www.overleaf.com/learn/how-to/Cross_referencing_with_the_xr_package_in_Overleaf but the same error exists, please suggest your valuable suggestions
so you need to make one run of the full document to get all the references, then do\includeonly{Ch01}