You might, if you are feeling intrepid, try chronos
. This is an experimental package and not currently on CTAN. It is based on my answers on TeX SE and some other code I used for timelines.
Caveat emptor ...
Looking just-like-chronosys-but-tweaked isn't chronos
's default, but it is quite configurable.
The following example reproduces the MWE from the question and then illustrates a version using chronos
rather than chronosys
. The code uses showframe
to mark the page layout. Note that the original timeline extends into the margin.
The example demonstrates one way to get multiline texts with chronos
, using explicit \\
s. An alternative would be to specify text width
and let the content be automatically split accordingly.
Note that two-letter font commands are seriously obsolete in LaTeX and ought not be used. Depending on your class, they may even give errors.
% ateb: i gwestiwn neoben:
\startchronology[startyear=2005, stopyear=2023, height=1ex, color=blue, arrowcolor=blue, dates=false]
\chronoevent[markdepth=150pt, datesstyle=\footnotesize, textstyle=\it \footnotesize, barre=false, datesseparation=/, conversionmonth=false]{07/2005}{test1\\test2}
\chronoevent[markdepth=180pt, datesstyle=\footnotesize, textstyle=\it \footnotesize, barre=false, datesseparation=/, conversionmonth=false]{12/2009}{test3\\test4}
off line simple,
timeline width=\linewidth,
timeline height=1ex,
timeline years=none,
timeline foreground=blue,
every event below,
date format={!m/!Y},
text tag+={%
date font=\footnotesize\upshape,
\chronosevent{date=2005-07,name=t1,name content={test1\\test2},yshift=-150pt}
\chronosevent{date=2009-12,name=t2,name content={test3\\test4},yshift=-180pt}
\chronosmaintitle{name=\texttt{chronos}, at=chronos end, yshift=-10mm, anchor=north east}
and ending with\end{document}