I have this table:
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5} % aumenta espaço entre linhas
\renewcommand{\tabcolsep}{18 pt} % aumenta espaço entre colunas
\begin{tabular}{ c | c c | c }
& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Y}\\
%\cline{2 - 4} % linha horizontal entre as colunas
% 2 e 4
X & 0 & 1 & Total \\
0 & $P_{00}$ & $P_{01}$ & $P_{0.}$ \\
1 & $P_{10}$ & $P_{11}$ & $P_{1.}$ \\
Total & $P_{.0}$ & $P_{.1}$ & 1 \\
I would like to draw left and right arrows in diagonal like the example picture (left and right arrows in diagonal P_00 to P_11 and P_10 to P_01)