I want to add (MIN) or (MAX) below the value q in this table.

The solution for multiple lines like I did in \tkzTabLine does not work.


\tkzTabInit[nocadre]{$x$ / 1 , $f(x)$ / 1.3}{$-\infty$, $p$, $+\infty$}
\tkzTabVar{-/ , +/ q, -/ } %%%%<--- in this line

\begin{tikzpicture} \tkzTabInit[nocadre,lgt=1.3,espcl=3]%
{$x$ / .8,$f(x)$/1.5}%
\tkzTabLine{ , \genfrac{}{}{0pt}{0}{\text{teken van }}{a}, z
          , \genfrac{}{}{0pt}{0}{\text{tegengesteld}}{\text{teken van }\ a}, z
          , \genfrac{}{}{0pt}{0}{\text{teken van}}{a},  }

enter image description here

Any suggestions?

1 Answer 1


I'm not sure to understand the question but you can use the "help" option to place a node. This gives you access to all the nodes used to build the table.


\tkzTabInit[nocadre,help]{$x$ / 1 , $f(x)$ / 1.3}{$-\infty$, $p$, $+\infty$}
\tkzTabVar{-/ , +/ q, -/ } %%%%<--- in this line
\node[below =15pt] at (N21) {MAX};


enter image description here

  • Never thought of this solution, although I used it to color parts of the table :-). Thanks Commented Nov 5, 2023 at 9:38

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